How To Preload Key Requests In WordPress? Check My Simple Guide!


How to preload key requests in WordPress? Is this your question? So, do you wanna fix this suggestion given by the Google PageSpeed Insights tool? Let me guide you in solving this issue so that you can improve your site’s performance.

What is preloading key requests, and how can it be done in WordPress? How can I improve the core web vitals score through this speed-related factor? If these questions are ringing a bell in your mind, RELAX.

Preloading key requests isn’t that complex to understand. In simple terms, it means telling your browser to prioritize specific resources, such as images, fonts, etc., during a page load. This ensures that your users get the information immediately, without delay.

When you fulfill your readers’ needs, Google will bless you with the top ranking in the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). That’s why we should enable preloading key requests. Below, I’ll explain how this is possible and how you can do it. So, let’s get into the details!

What Does “Preload Key Requests” Mean On WordPress?

You must know how the browsing process works to understand the preload key request. So when we go to a page, our browser sends a series of requests to the server to fetch resources like images, stylesheets, fonts, and scripts.

The server then responds to these requests but takes a particular time known as Time to First Byte (TTFB). After the server responds, our browser renders files to display on the screen, and preloading key requests works now.

With preloading key requests, we tell our browser to render specific files first, such as fonts, images, videos, and the like, so visitors can easily access the content. I hope you are clear now; let’s investigate the topic further!

Is Preloading Key Requests Important?

You might wonder whether preloading key requests are important. The answer is YES! Why wouldn’t they be?

As I’ve explained, preloading tells our browser to load specific files earlier than others, allowing users to get the required information quickly. This, in turn, improves user experience, which is one of the most significant factors Google considers while determining a site’s ranking.

I hope you know that “Google’s core ranking systems look to reward content that provides a good page experience.”

How To Preload Key Requests in WordPress? Manual Solution 

There are two ways to Preload key requests on WordPress. The first is manual, using the preloading attribute in the website header, and the other uses a plugin.

Although both options work, I think it’s better to save time using plugins, especially when you get the same results. However, don’t worry—the choice is yours. To lend you a helping hand, I’ll share both methods in detail. 

Below is the script for preloading key assets on your WordPress site. Add these codes to the HTML section, and the preloading key request process will begin.

Preload Images:

<link rel="preload" as="image" href="URL_of_your_image" as="image"> 

Preload Google Fonts:

<link rel=”preconnect”


      crossorigin />

<link rel=”preload”


      href=”$fontURL&display=swap” />

<link rel=”stylesheet”


      media=”print” onload=”’all'” />


  <link rel=”stylesheet”

        href=”$fontURL&display=swap” />


Preload CSS:


<link rel="preload" href="/path/to/your/library.js" as="script">


Preload JavaScript:


  <link rel="preload" href="ui.js" as="script" />


Preloading Key Requests In WordPress With Plugin

I’ve tried many plugins for the preloading key request. Although many claim to do this task, very few actually work.

For example, WPRocket offers a feature for preloading links and fonts, while Litespeed cache only preloads links.

This is why I’ve chosen Perfmatters. It preloads links, images, CSS, JSS, and everything to provide a better user experience.

First, install the plugin for preloading. Remember that it’s paid, so you’ll have to choose one of the subscription plans for access.

Once you activate the plugin, select “Perfmatters” in the dashboard and select the third option, “Preloading.”


You’ll have different options on this page, such as Enable Instant Page, Preload, Preload Critical Image, etc. The features you can use for preloading are:

  • Enable Instant Page: This feature allows your browser to prefetch and prerender web pages in the background. When a user hovers over or clicks on a link, the next page will load instantly, creating a seamless experience.
  • Preload: The Preload option lets you specify which resources should load first, giving you control over your site’s priorities. Under “Select type,” you can preload images, fonts, videos, and more. You also have the flexibility to select the device type.
  • Preload Critical Image: With this option, you can select the number of critical images to preload, typically between 0 and 5. I recommend setting it to 2 or 3 for optimal performance without overloading the browser.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is preload good or bad?

Preloading is generally good. By enabling preloading for images, fonts, and scripts, you can ensure that the page loads quickly for visitors, leading to a good user experience.

How to preload fonts in WordPress?

You can manually preload fonts in WordPress by adding a script to the HTML section or using Perfmatters or any other plugin. For the manual process, paste this code to the <head> section of the page:

<link rel=”preconnect”


      crossorigin />

<link rel=”preload”


      href=”$fontURL&display=swap” />

<link rel=”stylesheet”


      media=”print” onload=”’all'” />


  <link rel=”stylesheet”

        href=”$fontURL&display=swap” />


What are the disadvantages of preloading?

The only disadvantage of preloading is that excessive use of this feature can make your page load slower. This is because the more resources a browser has to load, the more overwhelming it becomes. The best solution is to enable only the necessary preloading elements.

Wrapping Up

Preloading the key requests on WordPress definitely improves your page speed by fetching essential resources like fonts and scripts. As they load earlier and you provide faster interactions for your visitors, it will be easier to boost the SEO performance of your site.

I’ve given two answers to your question, “How do I preload key requests in WordPress?” using the manual method and a fantastic plugin. However, the decision is up to you. I suggest using plugins like Perfmatters to get things done faster.

You may also use WPRocket or other preloading plugin like Nitropack. However, before choosing any plan, check the features and elements it can preload. Also, ensure that it comes within your budget. If you need help speeding up your site, just shoot an email!

by Sakthi
Sakthi is a thoughtful guy who specializes in WordPress Setup & Design. He is interested in designing the functional & attractive WordPress themes for the Digital marketers & Bloggers and helping them attain their goals with a tailored site. Being an Elite author of, he is interested in sharing his knowledge through the helpful tutorials.

1 thought on “How To Preload Key Requests In WordPress? Check My Simple Guide!”

  1. Nice article about How To Preload Key Requests In WordPress? Its looking very good and attractive for me.

    Thanks, for the post.


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